Joona Hoikkala

Results 9 issues of Joona Hoikkala

@jsoref wrote a promising tool for automating this: and an example of how to integrate this into CI automation can be found [here]( This issue is created so the...

feature request

Acme-dns needs client implementations for clients in order to be useful. If you have written a client implementation, please let me know, and I'll add a link to it to...

help wanted
feature request

Readme should get restructured: - [ ] The DNS configuration and Testing it out - sections should follow the Install section. - [ ] Troubleshooting section should get added after...


While requests is _awesome_, there's a major benefit in not having any dependencies outside of the standard library. The refactored code should support both, Python 2 and 3. The refactoring...

help wanted

Hi, we're going to make Certbot usable for Windows in the near future and we're currently using Augeas for Apache configuration parsing in our certbot-apache plugin. Because of this, I...

SUSE Linux supports enabling and disabling Apache modules through `a2enmod` and `a2dismod`. We should adapt the implementation from []( to suit SUSE.

good first issue
area: apache
area: SUSE
priority: unplanned

Huge refactoring PR to get acme-dns to a more maintainable state. Some new improvements done at the same time. - Changed logging to use zap.Logger - Logging to a file...

If temp_checkpoint is out of sync with filesystem, in a way that prevents it copying backed up files back to their location, Certbot will fail to run, crashing with: ```...

area: ui / ux
area: error handling