Jonas Reif

Results 7 comments of Jonas Reif

@manniL I get a similar error when I use `nuxt 3.9.0`, `vue 3.4.3` and `nuxt-swiper 2.0.0-0`( ## Reproduction without vue 3.4.3: **dev** Its working, I just get some hydration...

@manniL Seems to be fixed (at least for me) for vue version [v3.4.5](

Hi @manuelschroederdev 👋 I also wanted to start migrating everything to nuxt3 and came across this issue. Might it still fail in nuxt3 also with the stable version? If you...

Hi there, I came across this PR by accident today, because we also have the deduplication problem. It would be extremely helpful for us to publish this fix, because we...

@pooyaj @Innovative-GauravKochar Thanks for merging it. Maybe a stupid question, but when and how is it released? We are using the "Segment snippet" and Facebook Pageview Events are still duplicated...

Hey @varadarajan-tw Thanks. Seems to be working now :)

We're having the same issue. Has anyone already found a workaround? :)