Jonathon Storer
Jonathon Storer
Hey, The app for our webview lives outside of our iOS app. It'd be nice if we could include Jockey.js with a dependency manager in our web app.
I can't seem to find any activity for the NSpec project for a long time. And my google-fu isn't good enough to find an announcement that the project is abandoned....
Add the method `handleOAuthTokenResponse` to allow subclasses to reformat the OAuth Token response before continuing throw the flow. See: Slack's OAuth2 **v2** implementation overrides the token response to return...
Jerry, How do you feel about extending other object's and their prototypes? Specifically, I would love to have: ``` javascript 1.month.from_now.getMonthName(); // or 1.month.from_now.MonthName(); // since you can't really set...
A [proposed change]( to add a hook that would allow this strategy to reformat the OAuth2 Token Response before sending it forward to the `passport-oauth2` callback received some reasonable (though...
Please see AND Slack's OAuth2 **v2** implementation overloads the OAuthTokenResponse json payload to return multiple tokens. The root of the json object is for `bot` tokens & user...