Jonathon Storer
Jonathon Storer
Why are you using noConflict?
@jaredhanson Hello! What are the next steps to get this PR merged?
@jaredhanson all good points. And I understand not wanting to create _another_ maintenance burden. In the same vein, I don't have a desire to maintain a `passport-oauth2-stack-ext` fork (or whatever...
I would love chainable ruby/rails like dates (I know this is js, but bare with me). I would love to be able to code: ``` javascript 7.days().from_now() 14.minutes().ago() ``` I...
James, Great idea! I had a lot of the same ideas. My responses are inline: On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 4:14 AM, James Spencer [email protected] wrote: I'm currently looking...
@JamesS237 I'm a big fan of the mongoose-long loading pattern. I just think we're a long way from being there. Please take a look at for my initial pass...
@nmaves - @jeredhanson had some reasonable push back on the changes proposed in passport-oauth2. Read all about it here - I didn't like the idea of forking passport-oauth2 and...
@nmaves what are the next steps to getting this merged?
Slack's new OAuth2 v2 authentication implementation breaks OAuth2 with the passport-slack-oauth2 library. Passport's goal is to authenticate a User. Slack has chosen to to implement an authentication strategy to allow...
@nmaves & @HazemSayad could you both take a look at AND ?