Jonathan King

Results 18 comments of Jonathan King

Hi Lichirui, This is definitely possible and on my "shortlist" of things to do, but it is not the highest priority at the moment. Part of the reason is that...

Hi Andreea, Thank you for your interest in SidechainNet! I'm glad you found it could be of use. If you continue your work on MP-Nerf, I would be interested in...

Here is a photo showing my definition of X0. In my quest to make a complete recording of every structure, I had decided to measure this angle (rather than utilize...

Hey Andreea, You're welcome! Your question has actually raised a few questions on my end. I can partially answer your question, but I'm sorry to say that I've just realized...

Thanks for the follow-up and for sharing some examples! Here are some comments. SidechainNet and ProteinNet treat all protein chains independently. 1 chain per data entry. Our proposed function would...

Can you show me the code you are running? `scn.load(12, 100)` will download the most recent and most complete dataset as a .pkl file to `./sidechainnet_data`. Hope that helps!

Hi, is there more to the error message? Unfortunately, I can't quite see what the error is from what you have shared with me. You are also welcome to use...

Hi Eric, I have not included this explicitly in the dataset, but I can look at adding this in the next release. There is resolution information already present in SidechainNet....

Thanks for bringing this to my attention! I'll take a look and get back to you ASAP.

Hi, sorry for the long delay. That should fix the issue. Let me know if I can do anything else!