Jonathan King

Results 18 comments of Jonathan King

Hello, thanks for your interest! These are ASTRAL IDs, please see #21 for a more complete description.

I believe there are a handful of structures that only contain alpha-carbon information. If you inspect the [RCSB entry](, you'll find this is the case for this structure. You can...

Correct. I believe the mask is on the residue level and not the atom level. Yes, I would think it is reasonable to assume that and it is most likely...

I'm afraid I don't have more information. I'm not affiliated with ProteinNet, though I use the provided data and dataset splits in my own research.

Hi, thanks for reaching out. This seems to be an issue with `wandb`. What version are you using, and have you tried updated `wandb`?

I just want to provide some input since it has been a few months from the last posting here. It seems to me that in its current state, the code...

Just commenting for others that may come across this: you need to remove/omit the optimizer and scheduler from the deepspeed config _and_ redefine them in `configure_optimizers` for this to work.