
Results 17 issues of jojo

Hi there! I was thinking about implementing GraphQL (with Graphene) in the PokeAPI, what do you think about that?

help wanted

Would be AWESOME to have support for LibreTranslate (as the discussion in [this issue]( We could have a little tab to specify the LibreTranslate API address (and optional API key)...

GitHub, under Microsoft, still collects and tracks personal user information. Any thoughts on moving the repository to a more privacy focused git hosting, like [Codeberg]( Thanks for all the contributions,...

As specified in the [HBase Book](, since version `hbase-0.96.0` there's no need to change the `/etc/hosts` file. Also, to access the the container ports from your machine, you should expose...

Hi! I could not use this plugin with tmux 2.2 and OS X Yosemite 10.10.5. When I use `urlview` and hit `prefix + u` it does nothing. If I use...

Hi there, Would be nice to be able to run acceptance tests on those folders, since people might copy and paste that code.


## Expected Behaviour Instead of using `spec.ingressType` to select an Ingress class, we should use the default annotation ``, since #7 was implemented. ## Current Behaviour In the version `0.4.0`,...

## Expected Behaviour Instead of using the custom `spec.tls.*` definition to generate certificates we can use the default cert-manager annotations (`` or ``), since #7 was implemented. ## Current Behaviour...

Since #7 was merged, we can use ExternalDNS to automatically create DNS entries for the `FunctionIngress`. We could document this behaviour, including: - How to setup ExternalDNS and linking to...

## Expected Behaviour It's still needed to manually create a DNS entry when using `FunctionIngress`. Implementing support to [ExternalDNS]( would allow `FunctionIngress` to create, delete and update DNS entries automatically....