Jônatas Davi Paganini
Jônatas Davi Paganini
I created a simple prototype that works like caggs on top of caggs but with two hypertables: https://gist.github.com/jonatas/3f8cc056742264898e3b437bcdc548ce
Hello @zverok! I think the most advanced way to achieve the same goals is using the `rubocop-ast` gem. It's much reliable and fully compatible with RuboCop syntax which I deviated...
Hi @andriy-baran, thank you for showing interest in this! I made it on a weekend and never pushed it again to the upstreaming changes. I'll not merge it too soon...
It was great that @pedromachados raised the topic and I'm also very interested. I worked on the RuboCop project that is a linter for the Ruby ecosystem and works with...
I recently created a crawler to fetch all these websites and I can say there are several more! I'll try to make a cleanup or anyone can do running it...
I totally agree @filipecosta90! The PR is very welcome :)
Maybe this is an [issue](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43717803/go-get-command-does-not-provide-output-nor-take-effect) with the `go get` command? Can you try `git clone` and place it on your `/root/go/src/github.com/timescale/` instead?
Hello @gregorynoma ! thanks for the PR and all improvements related to mongodb! would you mind fixing the mongo test errors for the [broken build](https://app.travis-ci.com/github/timescale/tsbs/jobs/527653638)? ``` # github.com/timescale/tsbs/pkg/query [github.com/timescale/tsbs/pkg/query.test] 1440pkg/query/mongo_test.go:23:20:...
Thank you, @gregorynoma! I'll review it again!
Yay! thanks for reporting @Hadrien-Cornier 🙇