Jonas Hecht
Jonas Hecht
Example project showing how to build a Spring Boot App providing a GUI with Vue.js
This example project shows how to compile a Webflux based Spring Boot application into a Native App using GraalVM Native Image locally & on GitHub Actions with & without Docker
Full CI pipeline project based on Gitlab & Gitlab CI running Docker, completely automated setup by Vagrant & Ansible, providing Let´s Encrypt certificates for private Servers, multiple Gitlab-Runners...
Tutorial how to create, test, deploy, monitor SOAP-Webservices using Spring Boot and Apache CXF
Example project showing how to provide a Spring Boot App that serves a secured REST endpoint, that is called with Spring´s RestTemplate configured to use client authentification with a client certific...
Example project showing how to provision, deploy, run & orchestrate Spring Boot apps with Docker Windows Containers on Docker Windows native using Packer, Powershell, Vagrant & Ansible
Example project showing how to test Ansible roles with Molecule using Testinfra and a multiscenario approach with Docker, Vagrant & AWS EC2 as infrastructure providers
Bootstrap Kubernetes the Ansible way on Everything (here: Vagrant). Inspired by Kelsey Hightower´s kubernetes-the-hard-way, but refactored to Infrastructure-as-Code.
Sample Project for producing & testing a SOAP-WSDL-driven Service with Spring Boot, Apache CXF & JAX-WS
Example project showing how to use Pulumi locally & with TravisCI to create Infrastructure on AWS - and then how to use & integrate Pulumi with Ansible to install Docker on the EC2 instance & continuo...