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Sample Project for producing & testing a SOAP-WSDL-driven Service with Spring Boot, Apache CXF & JAX-WS
SOAP-Webservices with Apache CXF & SpringBoot using JAX-WS RI & JAXB - Annotations only, absolutely no XML
As Example SOAP-Service I did some research, but after all the well-known Weather-Service seemed to be the best Use-Case, although (or because?) it is used by nearly every tutorial. It is really hard to find free SOAP-Services on the web.
But i had to extend the Weather-Service a lot through out development - e.g. Custom Exceptions, more complex Input-Requests and a little less methods, so i can show my findings better. The biggest change was to split it into a WSDL (as "just the SOAP-interface") and a bunch of XSDs that import each other. That should represent a more complex domain and although they do not contain that much definitions, i can show many related techniques much better, that appear commonly in real-world scenarios.
So this example-project is capable for bigger Use-Cases in Realworld-Scenarios with huge WSDLs and lots of imported XSDs, which again import tons of other XSDs. If you want, test it with your Service and i appreciate feedback :)
General choices
In the project I tried to use some relevant technologies for getting SOAP-Services running, like:
- Spring with the aim to use absolutely no XML-Configuration (just Annotations)
- Spring Boot, for easy "not care about Container" (cause it has an embedded Tomcat) and simple deployment - like Microservices (without the "micro" in the interface, since we are bound to SOAP...)
- One of the most relevant SOAP-Stack Apache CXF 3 as the Webservice-Stack to expose the SOAP-Webservices
- Oracle´s JAX-WS RI (Reference Implementation) with the JAX-WS-commons project as "the Standard" to define Webservices in Java
- JAXB Java-XML-Binding for working with XML
- JAX-WS Commons for Generating the Class-Files for JAXB, managed by the maven plugin jaxws-maven-plugin
I reached my aim to not use any XML-configuration, but it was harder than i thought... If you look on some detail, you´ll see what i mean.
HowTo Use
Run "mvn clean package"-command at command-line, to ensure that all necessary Java-Classes & JAXB-Bindings are generated
Then, you could use Spring Boot with maven to expose your SOAP-Webservices
mvn spring-boot:run
or run the build .jar-File with
java -jar soap-spring-boot-cxf-0.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
For testing end-to-end purposes I would recommend also getting SOAP-UI, where you can check WSDL/XSD-compliance of the provided services very easily and you "see" your services.
But getting to know, how stuff is working, it´s often better to have a look at some tests. There should be a amount of test-cases, that show standard (JAX-WS with CXF) ways to test webservices, but also non-standard approaches to test some UseCases i came across developing e.g. the custom SoapFaults on incorrect XML-messages.
Sometimes, you are in need of a facade-mode, where your implementation doesn´t call real backends and only returns Dummy-Responses. E.g. when you want to protect your backends when load is getting to high for them (not for your server :), that is based on solid Spring-technology) or even if you want to build up a new environment, where your backends are not available right from the start. And you want this configurable, so you can react fast, when needed.
For this Scenario, Spring´s powerful Aspect oriented programming (AOP) mechanism will serve you well. In combination with using to load your Dummy-Response-Files instead of Java´s NIO.2 (that could fuck you up because of classloader-differences in other environments than your local machine), your done with that task quite fast.
- No XML-configuration, also for undocumented CXF-details :)
- Readable Namespace-Prefixes
- Testcases with Apache CXF
- Custom SoapFault, when non-schmeme-compliant or syntactically incorrect XML is send to the service
- Tests with Raw HTTP-Client for Reaction on syntactically incorrect XML
- Custom Exception in Weather-WSDL/XSDs
- Example of Controller and Mappers, that map to and from an internal Domain-Model - for loose coupling between generated JAXB-Classes and Backends
- Facade-Mode, that only returns Dummy-Responses, if configured
- Logging-Framework for centralization of logging and message-creation, including chance to define individial logging-Ids
- Webservice-Method that returns a PDF-File (you can view the base64-encoded String inside the Webservice´ Response with a small Angular/Boot-App I wrote for that: base64gular)
- PDF-Test with asserts of the PDF-contents via Pdfbox
- Deployment to Heroku, with inspiration from my colleague´s blogpost - see it in action (maybe you have to wait a while, cause it´s just a free Heroku-Dyno) here - or call it via SOAP-UI
Loganalysis with ELK-Stack
If you´re going some steps further into a more production-ready environment, you´ll need a more indepth view what´s going on with your SOAP-Infrastructure. I used the ELK-Stack with Logstash -> Elasticsearch -> Kibana. I used the logstash-logback-encoder for getting JSONized Logoutputs directly into logstash´s input-phase.
Making your SpringBoot-App ready for logstash, you have to add a maven-dependency and a logback.xml-File with the apropriate configuration, also described in logstash-logback-encoder. Before doing so, you need a running ELK-Stack, for me I used a docker-compose(ition) from docker-elk. For Mac-Users remember the new docker-machine superseeding boot2docker.
Testing your configured ELK-Stack is easy by using SOAP-UI´s Load-Test-Feature.
After having set up your ELK-Stack and logs are transferred via logstash into Elasticsearch and you activated SOAP-Message-Logging as shown in the CXF-WebService-Configuration, you for shure want to play aroung with the Kibana´s Visualisation-Features. And in the end you also want a Dashboard configured to show all your stylish Visualisations. You could end up with something like that:
If if you can´t wait to start or the tutorials are tldr;, then import my kibana_export.json as an example.
Done´s with Loganalysis with ELK-Stack
- Correlate all Log-Messages (Selfmade + ApacheCXFs SOAP-Messages) within the Scope of one Service-Consumer`s Call in Kibana via logback´s MDC, placed in a Servlet-Filter
- Log SOAP-Messages to logfile (configurable)
- Log SOAP-Messages only to Elasticsearch-Field, not Console (other Implementation)
- Extract SOAP-Service-Method for Loganalysis
- SOAP-Messages-Only logged and formatted for Analysis
- Added anonymize-logstash-filter for personal data in SOAP-Messages (e.g. for production environments in german companies)
- Dead simple Calltime-Logging
Functional plausibility check of request-data in the internal Domain-Model
A very common problem of projects that implement SOAP-Webservices: the internal Domain-Model differs from the externally defined Model (the XML-Schema/XSD, that´s imported into the WSDL). This leads to mapping data from the generated JAXB-Classes to the internal Domain-Model, which could be handled simply in Java. But the internal Domain-Model´s data has to be validated after that mapping - e.g. to make sure, everything is correct and functionally plausible for further processing when backend-Systems are called.
IMHO this topic isn´t covered well in the tutorial-landscape - the very least you can find is the hint to use JSR303/349 Bean Validation, which is quite fast to apply but also quite limited, when it comes to more complex scenarios. And having multiple SOAP-Methods described in multiple Webservices with a multitude of fields that shouldn´t be null (and aren´t described as such in the XML-Schema) and lot´s of plausibilty to check depending on the former, you are in complexity hell. Than all research points you to the ongoing war of the pros and cons to use RuleEngines(in deed, Martin Fowler has something to say about that) and trying to setup something like Drools (including the attempt to reduce Drools predominant complexity by building your own spring-boot-starter-drools). After getting into that trouble, you begin to hate all RulesEngines and try to build something yourself or use EasyRules with the problems pointed out well in this presentation.
But i´am sorry, the complexity will stay there and you will get so many rule-classes and tests to handle, that you find you´re self in serious trouble, if your project is under pressure to release - which fore sure is the case, if you went through all this.
Finally your domain-expert will visit you, showing a nice Excel-Table, which contains everything we discussed above - still relatively long - but much shorter than all your classes developed by hand - and you didn´t cover 10% of it by now. Maybe at this point you remember something you learned back in the days of your study - decision tables. The domain expert found the simplest solution possible for this complex problem with easy. Would´nt it be nice, if you had something like that - without the need to use something complex and hard to develop like Drools?
Rules with DMN-Decision Tables compliant to the OMG-Standard
One approach is to check the request-data with decision tables. For that I used a neat small but yet powerful Engine, which is quite a young one: camunda´s DMN Engine. It implements OMG´s DMN-Standard.
In our Usecase we have Fields described in the internal Domain-Model, that have to be checked depending on the called WebService-Method and the Product. So I decided to go with two DMN-Decision-Tables:
The first "weatherFields2Check.dmn" inherits rule to check, if the current field must be checked in the next step:
If the field has to be checked, the actual functional plausibility rules are applied - depending on the Product again:
For now, you have to separate Rules with different datatypes to different Decisiontable-columns.
- Configure Servicename in logback.xml from static fields
- Fault Tolerance with Hystrix (e.g. to avoid problems because of accumulated TimeOuts)