Update: @Skau Thanks to someone teaching me that the pipe icon in the middle of the commands isn't for show, I attempted the campaign.teleport command. That also works and transports...
Here we are. If there is a different way you'd like me to receive it, let me know. I uploaded it to my email's one drive and it sits there....
Agh, ok. Let us try direct route then.
Save files are 50mb plus, discord only allows 8mb What is your discord I'll send ya the link., last try at this lol
Odd, I passed it on to a dude on discord and the link worked. So, google drive it is.
Using the teleportation command worked for me. Crotor, and his daughter (which I am aiming to marry) were lost. When I brought them back with console they acted as normal,...
The bug itself works that after the companions finish their quest but never return to your party, even after weeks of waiting. The command spawns them back into your party....
Prosperity is currently unbalanced. Unfortunately, nothing that can be done until they rebalance this issue.