Arnaud Frézet
Arnaud Frézet
It is not a good practice to have a whole bug form for separated data as filters for example. Forms should be separated to ease extensions
To load a page with 10 records and less than 10 fields in each records, it takes 25 seconds to display. It is way too long.....
I will be nice if we could have events on each parts of the EAV. For example : - Admin events (_PRE_CREATE_FORM, _POST_CREATE_FORM) - EAV Events (PRE_CREATE_EAV, POST....) This allow...
The filtering is not related to the pagination system, so when filtering, the list is truncated : it displays a list containing 5 elements per page instead of more, because...
When resolving options for buttons in forms, a merge is made with a default options array. As it is not a recursive merge, if we define options in configuration, it...
Templates should be easily customizable, it should be defined in configuration and be easily changed.
When we have a field name "HAL Code", the label is not properly rendered. The render is "H AL Code", but it should be "HALCode" or "HAL Code".
It seems that columns of a datagrid does not use the translation system, so I can't be translated. Again we must override a lot of files.....
When I use the `findOneBy` method of the finder, I have the following exception : ``` In ProcessManager.php line 315: Process academic_article has failed during process publication_mapping with message: 'Binding...