eav-manager copied to clipboard
Missing ids when using findOneBy
When I use the findOneBy
method of the finder, I have the following exception :
In ProcessManager.php line 315:
Process academic_article has failed during process publication_mapping with message: 'Binding entities to query parameters only al
lowed for entities that have an identifier.'.
In ORMInvalidArgumentException.php line 207:
Binding entities to query parameters only allowed for entities that have an identifier.
But my code looks like this :
if ($author->getId() && $publication->getId()) {
$publishedPublication = $this->finder->findOneBy($family, [
'author' => $author,
'publication' => $publication,
'type' => $type,
And if I dump the content of ids before the crash :
10:46:30 CRITICAL [cleverage_process_task] Binding entities to query parameters only allowed for entities that have an identifier. ["process_id" => 1574243070.9765,"process_code" => "academic_article","process_context" => [],"task_code" => "publication_mapping","task_service" => "App\Task\Publication\PublicationMappingTask"]
10:46:30 ERROR [console] Error thrown while running command "cleverage:process:execute academic_article". Message: "Process academic_article has failed during process publication_mapping with message: 'Binding entities to query parameters only allowed for entities that have an identifier.'.
" ["exception" => RuntimeException { …},"command" => "cleverage:process:execute academic_article","message" => "Process academic_article has failed during process publication_mapping with message: 'Binding entities to query parameters only allowed for entities that have an identifier.'.\n"]
The ids of my entities are filled with values.
It's look like the EAV does not get the ids from entities, but if I pass directly the ids, it is working.
Edit : even with ids, the exception is thrown
I find some "patch". If we call the find method each linked object before calling the findOneBy, the entity manager is hydrated correctly and the query works.