Hi I have a similar problem, I posted in Discussions ... Thanks
HI @rapidman49 and @mayanimation did you find a solution ? I have a similar issue ( but not sure it is exactly the same problem) ---> I can synchronize my...
Hi @mayanimation OK I understand. Thanks a lot. I finally managed to recover all my agenda by reimporting all from scratch ...
Agree and perhaps add the name of the file as title ( perhaps it is already possible)
Hi @AcaiBerii, Did you manage to repair your computer ? I have some problems too after using bloatbox
👎 not very encouraging .....
@bmagnien Hi bmagnien did you succeed in reverting all of this ?
Have you finally find a solution to setup and teardown between tests properly ?
I have the same issue here ... @akh64bit do you have any update on this ?
@akh64bit I ve found the solution and i will make a PR