Jonathan Gelin

Results 30 comments of Jonathan Gelin

any news on this PR or @types library ?

If I modify the file yarn-with-package-json-mangling.js : ``` line 53 : const child = child_process.spawn('yarn, args, spawnArgs); to line 53 : const child = child_process.spawn('yarn.cmd', args, spawnArgs); ``` it works...

Indeed, it still doesn't work : ``` yerna: running yarn install for 2 package(s) yerna: Error: spawn yarn ENOENT yerna: at exports._errnoException (util.js:1022:11) yerna: at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:193:32) yerna: at onErrorNT...

Another remark, why yerna is trying to find the packages folder at the git root ?

This lib is also useful

For the moment, I created a small function like: ```javascript function $elPipe(...jQueryFns) { return ($startingEl) => jQueryFns.reduce(($el, jQueryFn) => jQueryFn($el), $startingEl); } ``` So in the test of my branch:...

I have the same issue just by merging multiple reports from various cypress runs in parallel. The merge is just taking the last report base on the order: `coverage-final-A.json` ```json...

@D0rmouse did you finally find a good configuration to combine multiple coverage reports? I have the same type of stack with Nx + Cypress + Storybook + Jest, generating reports...

@funkadelic is this PR still planned? My monitoring is showing all of these failing requests...