Joe Jackson
Joe Jackson
pehrlich, you need to have your neo4j server running and set properly in an architecht4r.yml The only way I was able to reproduce your error was when I shut my...
Ok, I'm still completely lost but it seems like this might have something to do with controller "show" actions. I'll do a little more testing to see. It seems that...
Thanks, I've been looking through Stellar too and have come up short. I figure you might be able to find it since you built it. Also, Manarius -- I just...
Also Manarius -- I'll show you a fork asap, but I'm waiting for this issue to be resolved. You really don't need anymore information to be in the database than...
``` javascript = function() { Session.set('blogshow',['show']); //TODO Meteor.subscribe("postcomments", post._id, init); Meteor.autosubscribe(function() { Meteor.subscribe("post",Session.get('blogshow')); post = Posts.findOne({slug:Session.get('blogshow')}); if(post) { Stellar.render('postView', {post: post}); } }); ``` This seems to have...
Alright, I've pushed a first version of my inplace editing system. It's based on an earlier version of the blog, so I'll need to try and merge it with the...
Well, that was dumb. I'm not even sure how that file got there. Thanks for the heads up. I just deployed an example:
Yeah, feel free. I thought you might not want it to be default behavior. Do you want me to submit it as a pull request?
@bpollack I was just talking to some coworkers, and they said they had this open. It's been rebased and should be ready to go. Let me know if there are...