Joel Drapper

Results 53 comments of Joel Drapper

The first part of this issue was fixed in #165. Open to pull requests adding the stylesheet link tag to `ApplicationLayout`.

I followed the [current Rails guide]( on a brand new Rails install and immediately ran into this error. ``` | Task may have ended with unhandled exception. | Concurrent::IllegalOperationError: Cannot...

Thanks for the reminder.

Thanks for opening this @bradgessler. I do think the ability to render strings is important enough for this to be worth figuring out. Of course you can always render strings...

This should have been covered by the `if @_context` check, which is essentially saying, “if we’re already rendering something, do the usual behaviour”. It’s because Rails interface for layouts is...

I agree we should do this. We should also separate out a Renderable interface from the SGML interface. As long as we keep Phlex::HTML and Phlex::SVG as classes, we should...

@iachettifederico sorry I haven't given your PR much attention. I will get to it! ❤️

Hey @simonrussell, thanks for opening this issue. We have had something similar before. Take a look at the code removed in this PR. At the time, I decided to...

Hey @simonrussell, thanks again for opening this issue. I think, for now, we want to keep Phlex as small as possible. I could see this kind of pattern being included...

This is a great start! I’d quite like to separate the SGML stuff from the renderable stuff where SGML is a specific implementation of renderable that buffers SGML tags, but...