Joel Drapper

Results 53 comments of Joel Drapper

I wonder if we should do this to stay really consistent with ViewComponent and ActionView. I also like that you don't have to discount the first positional argument like you...

I tried the above and it didn't work because we can't easily capture the context for the Phlex::Block. Let's just stick with `component` for now.

I haven't been able to get a test to fail locally, but `5.6.0` seems to be leaking `ActiveSupport::CurrentAttributes` between requests on Rails 6. I can reproduce it in a staging...

@pedantic-git do you use CurrentAttributes in your app to track authentication variables? I don't think it's cookies, I think it's something to do with threads.

@rainerborene I'm sorry to hear that! The consequences of CurrentAttributes not being contained to the request execution are really serious. It's literally designed to be relied on for authentication attributes....

@headius using `alias_method` with `__callee__` is an important Ruby meta-programming technique that allows you to define methods that behave differently depending on which alias was called.

@pointlessone @varyonic đź‘‹ I maintain a similar project that is actively maintained.

Had a conversation about the Rails issue here.

@ibarreto I think that’s where the config used to be by default.