Joel Drapper

Results 53 comments of Joel Drapper

I agree this should be fixed, but for now you can always precompile your Less code into CSS using []( if your on a Mac or [WinLess]( if your using...

``` @prefix: ""; header { background: url('@{prefix}logo.png'); } ``` Works great for me. If that doesn't work you could change it to this which sets it to be empty with...

That compiles great for me using []( Are you sure your using the latest version? There may have been an updated since you downloaded Less that fixes this issue.

@GreatMedivack you just had to be different to everone else :arrow_up:

It's worth noting that it's now possible to format code blocks by using the `@bold` bot which accepts markdown.

Maybe something like this? `"RuboCop/#{RuboCop::VERSION} (#{RUBY_DESCRIPTION})"`

I don’t think it’s worth defining a new file format for anonymous Phlex components if it would only be applicable to components that don't accept arguments. We can re-open this...

We haven't finished the Rails documentation yet, but you should be able to just do this from your controller. ```ruby class ArticlesController < ApplicationController def index render articles: Article.all.load_async...

I’m closing this as I don't have any plans to revisit streaming at this time. At least not until Rails / Rack / Puma figure out who's responsible for what....