I too was looking why my Theme was resetting, either an env. variable to change the setting or default to the Dark theme instead
When saving a Linkding bookmark, if we don't enter a description the description is automatically populated in the bookmark. Please create a checkbox to disable the description from being auto...
Thank you for a wonderful application. I agree, Allow Grouping of services, custom domains and assign these groups to Clients. eg. Group/Tag A: Entertainment (Direct TV, ESPN, FIFA....) Group/Tag B:...
wow, that was fast. thank you :) good job
hi, thank you for this tool. Forgive my ignorance, where do I enter the DNS server name ?? I dont seen any field on the Config page
mkdir /uploads/profile_image docker exec humhub_humhub_1 chmod 755 /var/www/localhost/htdocs/uploads/profile_image docker exec humhub_humhub_1 chown -R nginx:nginx /var/www/localhost/htdocs/uploads/profile_image
ok, I will try to explain a little better. When you click the X on the left-side bar, the Clipboard-Settings panel opens. On this panel, if you had an import...
yes, we can do this too (I suggested because using the GUI was just easier). Thank you
thank you for the reply. I am a beginner in Docker, Linux, however if you sure of the exact location and if these files work would be very helpful. Thank...
thank you for your efforts, that is great :)