只需要扫描acess log => access log
让程序在后台长久运行的示例代码如下: ``` - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application { [self beingBackgroundUpdateTask]; //在这里加上你需要长久运行的代码 [self endBackgroundUpdateTask]; } - (void)beingBackgroundUpdateTask { self.backgroundUpdateTask = [[UIApplication shareApplication] beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^{ [self endBackgroundUpdateTask]; }]; } - (void)endBackgroundUpdateTask { [[UIApplication sharedApplication] endBackgroundTask:self.backgroundUpdateTask];...
I'm on Mac, and I have follow files: 1. libsportsai_basketball.dylib 2. sportsai_AIbasketball_data_type.hpp 3. sportsai_AIbasketball_api.h sportsai_AIbasketball_data_type.hpp as follow: ``` #pragma once #include #include /**********应用场景宏定义************/ #define APPLICATION_SCENARIOS_FOR_MOBILE true //手机移动端使用 #define APPLICATION_SCENARIOS_FOR_STILL_CAMERA false...
Firstly, thank you for this great work, it helps me a lot.We know that `elasticMaximumHeightAtTop` determine whether can stretch to larger sizes than it's `maximumBarHeight`,so that, a negative progress. As...
通过`xgo test -cover -coverpkg ./... -coverprofile cover.out ./...` 生成的cover.out文件,通过 `go tool cover -html=cover.out`可以展示出其中某个文件的覆盖率。通过`xgo tool coverage serve cover.out`显示覆盖率为0%。但不是所有go文件都有这个问题
- [ ✅] I have looked at the documentation [here]( first? - [ ✅] I have looked at the examples provided that may showcase my question [here](/_examples)? ### Package version...