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how to support required_if that Field1 value is one of some value
- [ ✅] I have looked at the documentation here first?
- [ ✅] I have looked at the examples provided that may showcase my question here?
Package version eg. v9, v10:
Issue, Question or Enhancement:
I know that required_if support Field1 is equal to the parameter given like:
// require the field if the Field1 is equal to the parameter given: Usage: required_if=Field1 foobar
but,what I wanted is required_if=Field1 foobar|test1|test2
when Field1 is a enum string and Field1 value is one of foobar,test1,test2.
Code sample, to showcase or reproduce:
type UpdateIAMUserRequest struct {
CloudProvider CloudProvider `json:"cloudProvider" binding:"required,oneof=AlibabaCloud AWS HuaweiCloud QiniuCloud BaiduCloud Volcengine TencentCloud RedCloud"`
UID string `json:"uid" binding:"required"`
Name string `json:"name" binding:"required_if=CloudProvider AWS|BaiduCloud|Volcengine|TencentCloud"`