Joachim Haagen Skeie
Joachim Haagen Skeie
## Description I guess this is more of a feature request than an issue. Now that navigator.serial is available, at least in the latest Chrome browser, will it be possible...
Hello, I was trying to add a method in BTraceUtils called printStrings that would take a ... array as input and format it with a prefix, suffix and delimiter. However,...
When using scriptOutputDir as a param to -javaagent, the folder might contain non Java class files. Ensuring that the files loaded into BTrace is a .class file.
Adding scriptOutputDir, and renaming the old SCRIPT_OUTPUT_DIR to SCRIPT_DIR.
Hello, I am getting the following when I am trying to start my Java Application via the command line. I have built the app on JDK 16, and I am...
Hello, The Javaagent parameter for SCRIPT_OUTPUT_DIR seems wrong. It is defined in - public static final String SCRIPT_OUTPUT_DIR = "scriptdir"; Back in the BTrace 1.x days I believe there...
Allows an administrator to add new users to the account. New users can have roles User and/or Admin.
Allow the super user to create new accounts on the system and manage account types. The super user can also suspend and delete accounts.
EurekaJ accepts incoming statistics via its API. Allow administrators to generate tokens that external clients can use to pass in statistics. This token will uniquely identify the account that it...