James Murty

Results 71 comments of James Murty

I'm also interested in handling this case. Perhaps a `build_credentials` helper method on the Authomatic class would help, since this class instance would have the config and can map provider...

We have encountered this issue and chased it down to a bug in Django core's handling of reverse M2M relationships that target proxy models. In brief, the issue isn't specific...

Because others continue to struggle with this I have created a gist of the (truly awful and hacky) work-around we are using for this issue, which monkey-patches Django's deletion collector...

To follow up on the monkey patch work-around I supplied earlier, the patch is now available in a more official location as part of our open-sourced [ICEkit project](https://github.com/ic-labs/django-icekit). This approach...

Thanks for the pointer to that workaround @jstray and for following up on the Django issue. It's unfortunate the underlying problem isn't fixed in Django 1.11. I wasn't following along...

Please consider adding a feature to restrict retries to the original request timeout. The competing [axios-retry](https://github.com/softonic/axios-retry#options) library has something along these lines under the `shouldResetTimeout` option. In the meantime, I...

Hi @yasarutkuu the import method uses the standard `Document#importNode` method behind the scenes here: https://github.com/jmurty/java-xmlbuilder/blob/0fbd3bc7512f5054711fa6d9ba7160d07ede9cf3/src/main/java/com/jamesmurty/utils/BaseXMLBuilder.java#L314-L316 So what you are seeing is most likely standard (mis)behaviour of the underlying XML import...

We have experienced similar issues. It is likely related to Django core issues with finding and processing reverse FK relationships on proxy models, see https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/23076 and https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/18012 The Django issue...

FWIW we could provide a sample monkey-patch hack of Django's Collector that allows it to find and delete the proxy models' reverse FK relationships. As @mrmachine notes, this makes the...

FYI we are working on adding support for versioning of Fluent and Flat pages using django-reversion in this fork: https://github.com/ixc/django-fluent-pages/tree/reversion_support The fork is partly based on https://github.com/aldryn/aldryn-reversion though without the...