@hiukim That looks pretty similar to me! However, I think exposing an interface to allow users to pass in their own custom filter algorithm is a useful addition. I can...
@hiukim Any more thoughts on this? I've changed it back to having OneEuroFilter be the default.
@Ucodia before going to a custom solution, have you tried `beta=0.001; minCutOff=0.001` with the default filter? I find that is good enough majority of the time. If that doesn't work...
@roelvanhintum I've noticed you externalized all the dependencies, but you didn't move them to `peerDependencies` block inside of package.json? Why not? Also, have you tested the examples to make sure...
@butzemannbiber @samyH are you using NPM for the module or did you build the library yourself? The npm library hasn't been updated in over a year. There are some new...
Hey that's my PR! 👍 @tommasoturchi I actually have a branch that's full Vite support you might like. It works for three.js and image-targets, but i haven't tested beyond that....
@Zaniyar you no longer need to! It's been merged into the MindAR official repo!
@Zaniyar oh my code base is only for mind-ar-js , i don't work with react-three-mind. Sorry!