Jordan Mark Barbone
Jordan Mark Barbone
Currently left and right whitespace is removed from the entire table. For outputs that utilize white space (e.g., left white space with monospace fonts) this causes problems with number alignments....
I know the docs for `tableby()` suggest that the `anova` is _equivalent_ to the t-test, I think it's important to still have the option. We already have access to the...
Reporting again here as we still have this error ``` r openxlsx::read.xlsx("C:/Users/jmbar/Downloads/bad.xlsx", detectDates = TRUE) #> Error in read_workbook(cols_in = cell_cols, rows_in = cell_rows, v = v, : basic_string::substr: __pos...
Resolves #292 @JanMarvin do you know how we can tell if the `NA` is converted to `"NA"` in the sheet data? The change is in `writeData` so it should have...
Resolves #312 by adding export `as.character.formula()` @klin333 would you be able to test your issue with this branch? ``` r remotes::install_github("jmbarbone/openxlsx@312-as-character") ``` You should also get a natural warning when...
Related to #312 It would be better to use a class that does not have an existing conflict with base R classes. ``` r class(form [1] "formula" ``` Created on...
Spotted at `pak` (or something) seems to think that `MASS` requires a future version of R. `install.packages("MASS")` works fine. Still got the error after running `pak::pak_update()` ```r pak::pak("MASS") #>...
Small feature request to allow global option setting for dependencies. Would be beneficial for those of us that use `dependencies = TRUE` every time.
otherwise it just keeps searching ... ``` r foo Error in rethrow_call(c_processx_poll, pollables, type, as.integer(ms)) : #> reached elapsed time limit ``` Created on 2022-01-06 by the [reprex package]( (v2.0.1)...
These appear to be accidental but with the exception of `pkg_deps_explain()`, they seem to work fine with multiple package names passed to `pkg` Reprex. Something else...