Jade Mattsson

Results 75 comments of Jade Mattsson

@HHHartmann I had a re-read of that comment and it does not make sense to me. There is no re-ordering, it is merely a change to using [designated initalization](https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.4.1/gcc/Designated-Inits.html#Designated-Inits) to...

Closing as the idf5 branch already had support for these. Note that two of the names differ there however, it's `scan_method` and `sort_by`. See the docs for specifics. Thanks for...

Nice, is there anything else outstanding other than sorting out the merge issues?

Any further thoughts on the `ws` object lifetime? Is the current state good enough?

This turned out to be more effort than I'd expected, so I'm glad you tackled it instead of me :D I haven't tried it out or done an in-depth code...

@docbacardi @pjsg any chance of seeing what needs tweaking to make this compatible with the current IDF5 branch? I'm out of my depth with the RMT stuff.

I'm wondering if we need to completely change our approach to the Lua input. With the variation of consoles that the ESP32 series provide now, it makes me think we...

@jonsmirl I like this approach! I think our main challenge then is going to be how we change the deal with `uart.on()`'s last argument, which is how we to date...

Looking at the linenoise stuff now, I'm not sure that would work for us as-is, since we currently have the requirement to be able to both receive the console data...

Ah, linenoise only supports a "pull" API, which means it's not compatible with the "push" / async architecture we have and can't be used as a replacement for our `feed_lua_input()`....