Jade Mattsson

Results 75 comments of Jade Mattsson

Okay, so I've started this, but have now hit a bit of a snag. The new linker fragments support appears to only be available on the `master` branch and not...

@igrr Ah, thank you for those pointers, that saved me some hours of troubleshooting! I'm now back to dealing with my own issues instead 🤣 And much obliged with the...

Okay, I believe I have this almost fully in the bag now over on [this branch](https://github.com/DiUS/nodemcu-firmware/tree/dev-esp32-idf4). What do people think of me pushing this to a (temporary) `dev-esp32-idf4` branch under...

Thanks @marcelstoer. Okay, there's now a `dev-esp32-idf4` branch here too :) The docs in this branch have been updated, so where there was once a function there is now a...

@pjsg I've also ordered myself a couple of C3 dev boards so I can start looking at that in a few weeks hopefully. We have some Xtensa-only assembler over in...

Thanks, I'll have a look at the github workflows then! I'm also thinking that it might be nice to branch off dev-esp32 to a dev-esp32-idf3-legacy branch to give people a...

@KT819GM That is definitely on the cards. We're wanting to get to the point where we have a shared branch for both the ESP8226 and ESP32 so we can have...

Okay I've switched this branch over to github actions. The workflow is not as full-featured as on the esp8266 branch, but it's matching what the old travis build was doing...

Okay, I took care of the luac.cross warnings too.

I'm in the process of deprecating most of the `file` module in favour of the standard Lua `io` module on the ESP32... Also keep in mind that the underlying SDKs...