Jun Matsushita

Results 81 comments of Jun Matsushita

Hi Thomas, thanks a lot. I'd be quite happy to have your feedback as I make progress with my exploration of the library and hopefully succeeding in implementing a Comonad...

I think undirected graphs work now. Had to implement a probably very inefficient Set.cartesianProduct and only implemented what I needed for simple tests. Can I suggest to review this first...

I wonder if that's something @leebyron would be willing to share some insights on?

@chadaustin's [datagraph](https://github.com/dropbox/datagraph) approach is probably worth taking a look at [and seems to be using Aeson as a pivot representation](https://github.com/dropbox/datagraph/blob/master/src/StarWarsModel.hs). There might be something smart and beyond my understanding to...

Came here just a few hours after you for the exact same question (from the note in the README: `The method for staging individual patches isn't the best interface.`. It's...

I'm looking at this now with a bit more familiarity with alga and I realise that my question doesn't make a lot of sense, except if you understand it in...

Just wanted to say that I also just flagged something just to test the button and was very surprised when I couldn't unflag...

It works already if you create the `shell.nix` file *and* you select `shell.nix` with the Nix Env: Select Environment command.

There you go, I use flakes with the following `flakes.nix` for a haskell project: ```nix { description = "Package build for gstreamer project"; inputs.haskellNix.url = "github:input-output-hk/haskell.nix"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "haskellNix/nixpkgs-unstable"; inputs.flake-utils.url...