Jumar Macato

Results 79 comments of Jumar Macato

@DrWenz any updates on this?

imo we need to at least cover those types with our own. Never a good idea to expose 3rd party types on the core library's API.

>Silk.Net objects can simply be replaced by only exposing their handles, which are just ulong fields this is acceptable for me :)

@ahopper Highly likely, yes

@ahopper i've been doing some test, including making my own high resolution timer on linux and it's apparent that our frame render time sometimes exceeds 16.667 ms (using RenderDemo).

@ahopper @kekekeks if y'all could test this branch https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/Avalonia/tree/timer-overload on linux it'd be great to know if there's any difference at all

@ahopper perhaps you can try doubling the declared framerate on X11Platform.cs ?

Perhaps it'd be great if we could do z-culling of controls and ignoring their StyledProperties with Animation value priority (value interpolation is cheap anyway, it's the whole update/notifications that makes...

@ahopper great to know that it has some effect :) but yeah, i still see some not so accurate framerates on render demo on linux.. not sure what's the deal...

I agree, this isnt a easy task, at least for linux and mac. I think @kekekeks knows more about the vsync events but in my limited understading of linux compositors...