Jumar Macato

Results 89 comments of Jumar Macato

@harry-cpp is there any noob guides/tutorial for monogame github packages & nuget? I've tried out https://docs.github.com/en/packages/working-with-a-github-packages-registry/working-with-the-nuget-registry but im getting 401 errors when i try adding the packages.

hmm seems to be a bug eh... i'll try to investigate but it'd be great if @ahopper can double check the generator i made... also updated it to use streamgeometry...

ah crap lol alright i'll fix that in a bit haha :) but yeah, technically we can extend pathicon but idk the specifics yet sorry

I could suggest you folks to use Rider instead. Avalonia support there (autocomplete and intellisense) are top-notch there :)

ARM64 will be more relevant in the coming years.. Currently Wasabi is working on arm64 platforms, I tested and I'm using it in my arm64 laptop and works okay. Though...

@NicolasDorier yeah... skia would still work there btw. We have some users that uses avalonia on RPi's.

There's a limitation in our QRCode library that prevents usage of the limited QR code charset (the thing that makes the QR code more readable and makes it uppercase.). We...

@MaxHillebrand we do but the underlying encoding is still not the correct one

The biggest issue right now is we have to use software rendering and to "bring out your own tor process" to make wasabi run on arm64 platforms. what @kiminuo said...

pinging @MaxHillebrand does this still happen?