
Results 11 comments of jly

> Have you tried anything yet? > > 1. You can try varying distance truncation parameter here: > https://github.com/Ritchizh/RGBD-Integration-2020/blob/42cb66827580d2376ffcee5b60cd765e10ef2b5b/main__TSDF_Integrate__color_depth.py#L96 > 2. I looked into the project, two years have passed...

> 1. 如果您查看 ICP 定义,您会发现它试图找到与空间中的 2 个点云紧密匹配的刚性变换(平移+旋转)。因此,相邻点云越接近 - 越容易找到这种变换。您可以尝试调整 ICP 函数参数以使对齐收敛。 > ICP 尝试在两个点云中找到匹配的点对(基于各种标准 - 最近的点;源点与目标表面的法线相交等)。这意味着被跟踪的对象越清晰 - 越好。**如果带背景墙平面肯定会影响对齐。**在 Open3d 教程示例中,他们有一个带有墙壁背景的椅子的点云 - 我的猜测是:它只有在您移动相机时才能正常工作,但不要相对于墙壁移动椅子。**如果椅子被移动 - 不清楚要匹配哪些对象:要么将墙壁对齐 2 个框架,要么对齐椅子。** > 2. 不过算法的第一步是粗略的点云与RANSAC对齐: >...

> 3. 奇怪的是你的RealSense捕获的数据在这里失败了(是RealSense D435吗?)你检查过你的RealSense相机的内在函数是否和我的一样? > https://github.com/Ritchizh/RGBD-Integration-2020/blob/84f4e4fe8d8fa6e5deec50c3d16df5ebaf4de707/main__TSDF_Integrate__color_depth.py#L103-L108 > > ``` > color_stream = profile.get_stream(realsense.stream.color); > color_video_stream = rgb_stream .as('video_stream_profile'); > color_intrinsic=depth_aligned_to_color_intrinsic = color_video_stream.get_intrinsic() > ``` > > 在这个项目中,假设您在记录数据时已经通过 pyrealsense 对齐了深度和颜色帧([示例](https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/blob/master/wrappers/python/examples/align-depth2color.py)),因此不需要外部参数。只有相机的内在参数用于创建点云。 Hello,...

> 是的,兄弟,终于解决了。需要进行转换转换:VSLAMMappingFromBlender2DSO > > 请查看此仓库:[https ://github.com/GSORF/Visual-GPS-SLAM/blob/master/02_Utilities/BlenderAddon/addon_vslam_groundtruth_Blender280.py#L34](https://github.com/GSORF/Visual-GPS-SLAM/blob/master/02_Utilities/BlenderAddon/addon_vslam_groundtruth_Blender280.py#L34) Hello, you and I have encountered similar problems. I also obtained data in blender, as shown in the figure below. I know the rotation...

> Hi @SrinjaySarkar - I read the paper and have been digging around this repo for a while. Are there any args in particular which you're not clear on? I...

> 你试过了`cv::VideoCapture cap(0, cv::CAP_DSHOW)`吗?顺便说一句,我的代码中的推理时间不包括 opencv 捕获帧的时间,因为它受到相机 FPS 的限制。 Thank you for your reply! I think the reason for the above problem is that FPS in your code does not include...

Hello, may I ask if your problem has been resolved? I have also encountered the same problem

Can you provide a new version? Thank you 汲鲁育 ***@***.***   ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "Kai-46/nerfplusplus" ***@***.***>; 发送时间: 2023年12月6日(星期三) 中午11:27 ***@***.***>; ***@***.******@***.***>; 主题: Re: [Kai-46/nerfplusplus] COLMAP code providing bad camera poses on provided data...

Hello, may I ask how you implemented “render_path for the Blender dataset?I really hope to receive your response and see the code you have modified.

> 我很久以前就打开过这个,所以我不记得除了我提到的那一行之外我是否改变过任何东西。您遇到什么问题? I want to implement a custom rendering path on the Blender dataset, like the 'get_spiral' function on the llff dataset, but my current test results are incorrect. May...