Jeff Lucovsky
Jeff Lucovsky
Continued in #7932
Continued in #7951
Continued in #8356
[This document]( recommends the allocation of one scratch space per scanning context. [Suricata]( relies on this performance technique. The commit for this change has caused [this Suricata issue]( I investigated...
> @jlucovsky Yes you're right. We already notice this issue in Snort integration and Rspamd. A quick roll back patch for this particular issue will be available soon. Sorry for...
Thanks. I've verified proper operation on the Suricata LTS and current (`master`) releases. Thanks!
@hongyang7 Will there be a new release with the update? Many of our users only used "released" software. Thus, could the change be in 5.4.2?
Continued in #11079
> Are you working on getting a green CI ? Yes, that's why this is a draft.
@ralpheastwood - We'd like your help with this PR. Could you validate that it works properly on a Suricata 6.0.x build/deployment?