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List of literature and software for optimal control and numerical optimization.
Literature and list of software packages for optimal control
The list includes resources to the following topics: Automatic/algorithmic differentiation, optimal control, model-predictive control (MPC), numerical optimization, modeling for control. The list will be updated regularly, create a pull request if you'd like to contribute.
- Lecture notes: Numerical Optimal Control by Prof. Moritz Diehl [course] [pdf]
- Tutorial series by Metthew Kelly, [web]
- Liberzon, Daniel. Calculus of variations and optimal control theory: a concise introduction. Princeton University Press, 2011. [pre-print]
- Videos of lectures at the University of Florida from the Spring of 2012. Dr. Anil V. Rao. [web]
- Bertsekas, Dimitri P., et al. Dynamic programming and optimal control. Vol. 1. No. 2. Belmont, MA: Athena scientific, 1995.
- Betts, J., Practical Methods for Optimal Control and Estimation Using Nonlinear Programming, SIAM, 2010
- Biegler, L. T., Nonlinear Programming, SIAM, 2010
- Model Predictive Control: Theory, Computation, and Design, 2nd Edition by Rawlings, Mayne, Diehl [web] [pdf]
Survey papers
- F. Topputo and C. Zhang, “Survey of Direct Transcription for Low-Thrust Space Trajectory Optimization with Applications,” Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2014, Article ID 851720, 15 pages, 2014. [edited
High level optimal control modeling languages and optimal control software
- Acado [github] [web]
- acados [github] [web]
- BOCOP [web]
- Control toolbox, domain specific for robotics [bitbucket]
- Dymos: Open-source Optimal Control for Multidisciplinary Systems [github]
- ICLOCS2 [github] [web]
- Modelica with JModelica [web]
- OpenOCL [github] [web]
- PSOPT [github] [web]
- Pyomo with .DAE extension [github] [web]
- towr, domain specific for legged robots [github]
- AMPL with TACO extension (commercial)
- DIDO (commercial)
- Forces (commercial)
- GPOPS2 (commercial)
- gPROMS (commercial)
- Mujoco, domain specific for robotics/contact, simulator (commercial)
- Optimica, Dymola (commercial)
- PROPT (commercial)
High level numerical optimization modeling languages
Numerical optimization solver
Non-linear programming
- Ipopt [github]
- CONOPT (commercial)
- Forces (commercial)
- KNITRO (commercial)
- Matlab fmincon (commercial)
- Snopt (commercial)
- WORHP (commercial)
Linear, quadratic, convex programming
- ECOS [github]
- hpipm [github]
- Sedumi [github]
- qpDUNES [github]
- qpOASES [coin-or]
- SDPT3 [web]
- CPLEX (commercial)
- Gruobi (commercial)
- MINOS (commercial)
- Mosek (commercial)
Integer, mixed-integer programming
- Bonmin
Automatic differentiation
Other material
- Summer School on Numerical Optimization Software (includes a long list of solvers in the slides, see repository), Hans D. Mittelmann, Moritz Diehl [web] [repository]
- Decision tree, benchmarks for optimization software, Hans D. Mittelmann [web]