Juha Kiviluoma
Juha Kiviluoma
- [x] When user writes text in the source ref field, then Toolbox should guess that the source type is a constant - [x] When the user puts an integer...
In Mopo kick-off it was brought up that there should be better API function documentation. We have the documentation that comes from code comments (https://spine-toolbox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/autoapi/index.html), but there should also be...
It would be nice to see the version of Toolbox that each project is using in the recent files in open recent. Also would be nice to see that when...
Both documentation and examples should be updated - objects and relationship need to change to entities - is_active changed to entity_alternative
V_units_available is just V_units_invested_available plus existing capacity and is not necessary. Should be replaced with expression.
SpineOpt is slow in generating large models as has been reported by many users. This is especially problematic for non-rolling models where the model generation is larger part of the...
In Mopo Task 4.6 the aim is to enable solve sequences (e.g. multi-stage investment models; storage value combined with dispatch; unit commitment and realisation of reserves) and other cases where...
Equations in code could be easier to read if variables would have v_ before them. TBD.
pyam-iamc provides a web-interface for browsing results. This can be especially useful for policy related work where there is an audience for the results that would like to explore the...