Jan Kaniuka
Jan Kaniuka
Hi @DaFray31, if you want to wirelessly connect with RPi Pico W using micro-ROS, check out these repos. I hope it will help :wink: - https://github.com/kageorochi/microrosPicoW - https://github.com/micro-ROS/micro_ros_raspberrypi_pico_sdk/pull/890
It has been more than 3 years and this issue is still open. I recommend checking [**YASMIN: Yet Another State MachINe library for ROS 2**](https://github.com/uleroboticsgroup/yasmin) :wink:
Glad to see that porting SMACH to ROS 2 is moving so fast :+1: Taking advantage of the fact that this thread is active again, it is worth mentioning the...
Hi @songyuc, your suspicions were correct :wink: - source file was updated, but tutorial has not. You can simply replace `now` with `rclpy.time.Time()`. See details [here](https://github.com/ros/geometry_tutorials/commit/2479342bd52979b9ec4faa4969d9428291c89189#diff-c3299e618a727c9b027e7d2b754fc135b5121cc6af788f07848880346a7d957dL67-R69) :robot:
Hi @ChristosPeridis :wave:, according to README this project was tested with ROS Kinetic. When cloning [universal_robot](https://github.com/ros-industrial/universal_robot) repository, you must specify that you want to clone `kinetic-devel` branch. That's why in...
Hi @jianchaoci :wave:, I've attached the working code below ```python import roboticstoolbox as rtb from spatialmath import * from spatialgeometry import * panda = rtb.models.Panda() obstacle = Cuboid([1, 1, 1],...
@jianchaoci, glad I could help :wink: I've only used _robotics-toolbox-python_ to generate manipulator trajectories, so I don't know if it has the functions you're talking about. I can, however, offer...
Hi @PavanMantripragada, you need to add header file generated from the _ConfigureControlMode.srv_ file. At the top of the file, simply add ```cpp #include "iiwa_msgs/ConfigureControlMode.hpp" ```