
Results 18 issues of jkachmar

Just what it says on the tin: `text-2.0` is out.

Just ran a few tests on a small Servant app and got these results: ``` # with -with-rtsopts=-T Lifting the server siege... Transactions: 2131 hits Availability: 100.00 % Elapsed time:...

I could open a PR for this, but I figured a discussion might be better first. --- Right now there's no way to use `aeson`'s faster `toEncoding` JSON serialization methods...

I'm not entirely sure what the _precise_ underlying cause is of this behavior, but I've noticed the following non-obvious gotcha when updating Nix derivations in the past: 1. Modify a...

As of macOS 10.15 (Catalina), Apple has started to strongly encourage Mac application notarization. I've only done a bit of looking, but it seems like this is something that can...

This intentionally overlaps/duplicates #5, since that issue is relatively old and `servant-auth`, as well as Servant itself, has changed substantially since then. Right now it's looking like `servant-auth` is going...


**Describe the bug** 2efc5d37f9946d67f218f12cc326599ad5dd4b98 seems to have introduced behavior that causes repeated `$` application to "stairstep" the code downwards and to the right. **To Reproduce** From the examples: ```haskell foo...


`amazonka` and `gogol` are really powerful "force multipliers" for Haskell when it comes to using the language for a lot of common tasks in cloud environments, but both projects have...

post 2.0

`amazonka` and `gogol` are really powerful "force multipliers" for Haskell when it comes to using the language for a lot of common tasks in cloud environments, but both projects have...