
Results 18 comments of jkachmar

Apologies, but no. I never got around to extracting a small reproduction and didn’t feel comfortable submitting a bug report to the GHC tracker without one.

Thanks for writing this up, Vamshi; I think this clarifies a lot of the questions I initially had about this feature! --- From the **Parameterized Queries** section, I think the...

I've used this process with `musl`'s dynamic loader and it works very nicely for generating portable executables; so anecdotal 👍 from me.

> Meaning you ship the dynamic linker with your binary? The annoying part about this is it means you have to have an absolute path for ld.so to go, since...

I might try to make an actual PR updating the documentation later, but for now I wanted to write that down while it was still fresh in my mind since...

I was following along with some of the `polysemy` work on `Tactics` and `Strategy` and remembered some threads that _may_ be useful if y'all end up going down that route:...

Notably, `asyncToIOFinal` (which uses `Strategy`) obviates the need for all the `Forklift` machinery and so avoids the additional thread + polling machinery.

If the support policy is [n-2 GHC releases](https://github.com/fused-effects/fused-effects/issues/185#issuecomment-548952838) then we’re actually getting pretty close to the point where it won’t be an issue to introduce `DerivingVia` (9.0, 8.10, and 8.8...

Based on some discussion in haskell/ghcup#68 it sounds like this should be closed, given that http://downloads.haskell.org/cabal/cabal-install- is now available.

That all sounds excellent, thanks so much for the thorough response! I'll probably go with the straightforward example you've provided since it's really all I need at the moment, but...