https://github.com/alievk/avatarify/blob/e3302b94059f0dfb6b32b82ff2c1e3ca3834cbb3/run.sh#L112 Using 5557 twice
Fixes https://github.com/loyd/clickhouse.rs/issues/89
Trying to mock the db for a codebase that uses multiple inserters and it's a bit of a learning curve to figure out what needs to be done. One small...
Currently the image resize produces quite large files by probably using a very high jpeg quality setting. E.g 1000*1000 pixels was almost 1MB when another editor allowed setting quality to...
The included com.squareup.okio:okio should be updated to version 1.17.6 from the current 1.17.5 I have no idea if the vulnerability itself has any effect in this JDBC driver use case,...
### Describe the bug On some exceptions the JDBC driver prints a whole stack trace to stdout here: https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-java/blob/main/clickhouse-client/src/main/java/com/clickhouse/client/ClickHouseClient.java#L963 This can mess up structured logging output for an application that...