Results 32 comments of jixiuf

after #455 is merged, command `d` `c` `a` `I` should work with: ``` (defun vterm-evil-insert () (interactive) (vterm-goto-char (point)) (call-interactively #'evil-insert)) (defun vterm-evil-append () (interactive) (vterm-goto-char (1+ (point))) (call-interactively #'evil-append))...

> I cannot get this to work properly, it seems that cannot be found (see, tab "Require vterm"). I don't know if, @jixiuf, you have any experience with... can you build a docker image for me like this to reproduce this

maybe this is the same problem with #185

so can you try install vterm by M-x:list-package it seems like package vterm is not found or run `docker run -t -i vterm` again

It's not easy to support `hl-line-mode` for vterm now, the screen is refreshed line by line, that means it delete the old line then insert a new line when you...

screenshots please . and I suggest you use monospace font. (等高等宽字体,尤其一些中文字的高度比英文字体高,会导致屏幕开头的几行显示不全) for example

can you reproduced this with `make run` in emacs-libvterm/build/