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Generic graph data structure plugin for ue4
Hello! I am on the most up-to-date commit on Generic Graph (62eb887) as well as the most up-to-date source of UE5 (d9d435c). However, when I open the project up in...
How can i track node enter event? I asking this, because you don't have documentation, or something like this, and its hard to find this in source files
Quick question. I'm curious why the graphs are UObject and not UDataAsset derived?
In `UEdGraph_GenericGraph::RebuildGenericGraph()` function, after renaming a node the outer of a node must be the same as before: `Node->Rename(nullptr, Graph, REN_DontCreateRedirectors | REN_DoNotDirty)` this line must change to: `Node->Rename(nullptr, NodeMap[Graph->AllNodes[i]],...
After right-click on a node in the graph this error appears on the log output: `LogToolMenus: Error: UI command not found for menu entry: BreakPinLinks, menu: GraphEditor.GraphNodeContextMenu.EdNode_GenericGraphNode`
This manifested as very unexpected linker errors and the root cause was not obvious: `operator new(unsigned __int64)" (??2@YAPEAX_K@Z) already defined` A local writable file was getting knocked out of the...
In: GenericGraph\Source\GenericGraphEditor\Private\GenericGraphFactory.cpp you need to include: #include "Kismet2/KismetEditorUtilities.h"
Hello, We've started creating some really complex graphs on our project using GenericGraph as our base and its working perfectly. However, because of the complexity of these graphs, our team...
More than once i'm getting data from an old graph setting. For example if at some past moment i had 2 nodes in a random future day i get corruption...
**Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error LNK2005 IMPLEMENT_MODULE_GenericGraphEditor already defined in EdGraph_GenericGraph.cpp.obj** This is because you have the **IMPLEMENT_MODULE** macro on GenericGraphEditor.h causing a double definition when...