GenericGraph copied to clipboard
Unable To Compile In UE5
Hello! I am on the most up-to-date commit on Generic Graph (62eb887) as well as the most up-to-date source of UE5 (d9d435c). However, when I open the project up in Visual Studios, I receive the following compilation errors:
- 'FKismetEditorUtilities': is not a class or namespace name
- 'CanCreateBlueprintOfClass': identifier not found.
Both of these occur inside of GenericGraphFactory.cpp
So, to amend this, I did the simple thing and found the include path of FKismetEditorUtilites online and found it to be
#include "Kismet2/KismetEditorUtilities.h"
Noticing that this was not included at the top of the file, I simply added it, however, it only created more errors. All of the new errors were in the form of something along the lines of
Error LNK2005 "void __cdecl operator delete[](void *,unsigned __int64,struct std::nothrow_t const &)" (??_V@YAXPEAX_KAEBUnothrow_t@std@@@Z) already defined in Module.GenericGraphEditor.cpp.obj TestDialogue S:\dev\Unreal\Projects\TestDialogue\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\AssetEditor_GenericGraph.cpp.obj 1
Looking at the github issues, in particular issue #24 I tried setting the bUseUnity =true inside of GenericGraphEditor.Build.cs and still get errors. Particularly:
InitializeModule already defined in Module.GenericGraphEditor.cpp.obj
Has anyone else had similar issues? Or gotten this plugin to compile? I have had it working and enjoyed it for a long time inside of UE4.