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Results 79 quantified-self issues
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Hello ! https://quantified-self.io/user/3Q1MQ5elv5U33jgMDJMe41jb8r52/event/PsFSJBibSAUKLCbutIxy In this run, I'm not moving at all, between minutes 23 and 24. I have a 0 speed in the fit file, but in your chart, I...

I just noticed that my average speed (cycling) is not calculated correctly. It should be calculated on the basis of **Moving Time [Distance(km)/Moving Time(hrs)]** as opposed to **Duration [Distance(km)/Duration(hrs)]**. This...

I forgot to stop the workout, and recorded 12 more minutes. I tried to edit the activity, but I can only change the start time, not the end time. I...

After "Refresh activity statistics" some activity parameters ("Recovery time", "Energy", "Peak EPOC", "Total Traininig Effects") disappears. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34653992/76200309-adda5100-61f1-11ea-8121-b7eec71f624e.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34653992/76200324-b763b900-61f1-11ea-99f3-aa6cfb190cc9.png) BR, Andrej

Feature Request: At times I add multiple activities for comparison purposes which were created at various times over the past couple of years. To make it easier in selecting these...