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Results 79 quantified-self issues
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Bumps [log4js](https://github.com/log4js-node/log4js-node) from 6.3.0 to 6.4.0. Changelog Sourced from log4js's changelog. 6.4.0 security: default file permission to be 0o600 instead of 0o644 - thanks ranjit-git and @​peteriman chore(docs): updated fileSync.md...


Bumps [engine.io](https://github.com/socketio/engine.io) from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2. Release notes Sourced from engine.io's releases. 4.1.2 :warning: This release contains an important security fix :warning: A malicious client could send a specially crafted...


When filtering the data for the whole year 2022, the data shown as "weekly" is showing weeks 52 and 51, instead of 1 (53 ?) and 2. I’m using the...

Bumps [ansi-regex](https://github.com/chalk/ansi-regex) from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1. Release notes Sourced from ansi-regex's releases. v5.0.1 Fixes (backport of 6.0.1 to v5) This is a backport of the minor ReDos vulnerability in ansi-regex@<6.0.1,...


I am requesting file import support for Stages Cycling Dash .rde files. I managed to secure python code from Stages customer support. The code will convert the .rde files to...

Quantified Self PTE for activities strictly before 10 January 2020 is 10x PTE. Suunto App shows expected PTE values in the single digits while QS shows two-digit values. Devices: Suunto...

As you probably can guess from my not using a "smart phone", I am no big fan of facebook. To say the least. Why do I need a facebook account,...

I usually swim 2000m with autolap every 400m. When the activity is uploaded to quantified-self only 4 laps appear when there should be 5. Example https://quantified-self.io/user/2vcpDNSIUBdev0I2PcU7VWeVP6U2/event/3a92100fc2fc721d94c9d8ca62dd376e4c3451b6cedfc55feb3d3ea9069daacc

Hi! First of all "Thank you" for your great work! A feature request: is it possible to add the pace to the chart? For me the pace (in min/km) is...