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Average speed based on moving time and not total time.

Open NordicFlyer opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments

I just noticed that my average speed (cycling) is not calculated correctly. It should be calculated on the basis of Moving Time [Distance(km)/Moving Time(hrs)] as opposed to Duration [Distance(km)/Duration(hrs)]. This would account for stop lights, train crossings, coffee runs, etc., and would be more in line with average speed calculations in Strava, TrainingPeaks, GoldenCheetah, etc. What are your thoughts on the aforementioned? Cheers!

btw. I am using a Suunto Spartan Trainer - the data is automatically imported from Suunto.

NordicFlyer avatar May 20 '20 13:05 NordicFlyer

That makes sense and I have this planned.

However not per se as speed, but rather as moving speed etc.

Some users don't like the concept of moving time unfortunately. I think this way both types of people could be satisfied.

I am back from vacation by the end of month, I'll start working on this by then I think.

On Wed, 20 May 2020, 15:27 NordicFlyer, [email protected] wrote:

I just noticed that my average speed (cycling) is not calculated correctly. It should be calculated on the basis of Moving Time [Distance(km)/Moving Time(hrs)] as opposed to Duration [Distance(km)/Duration(hrs)]. This would account for stop lights, train crossings, coffee runs, etc., and would be more in line with average speed calculations in Strava, TrainingPeaks, GoldenCheetah, etc. What are your thoughts on the aforementioned? Cheers!

btw. I am using a Suunto Spartan Trainer - the data is automatically import from Suunto.

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jimmykane avatar May 20 '20 14:05 jimmykane

That makes sense and I have this planned. However not per se as speed, but rather as moving speed etc. Some users don't like the concept of moving time unfortunately. I think this way both types of people could be satisfied. I am back from vacation by the end of month, I'll start working on this by then I think.

Ok, that sounds great! Enjoy your vacation.

NordicFlyer avatar May 20 '20 22:05 NordicFlyer