**Awesome, termux on android and vifm.** Very soon xhost was installed as dependency and preview stopped working again. On my window managers i bind keys to open vifm. In order...
[save_crash_after_jump.gz](https://github.com/pioneerspacesim/pioneer/files/7160749/save_crash_after_jump.gz) It is a save just after jump. Game crashes after few seconds even if acceleration time is paused.
Let me write my recent experience. I travel back and forth from A to B systems. I did ABA about 10 times. Then at arriving to B game began to...
Confirmed. Edit and Delete buttons does not exist anymore. So, one can only insert new records in Custom Logs but not delete or edit them.
I approached space station and I'm standing still about it. (I upload a save of this moment). Get permission and order autopilot to dock. He crashes my ship on station...
It just came to my mind. I restarted to play this game recently and a lot. I enjoy it very much. But, have to note, right here, that in well...
I confirm that renaming do not allow to change stations. Trying to solve I discovered there is no delete station option. I uninstalled and installed hoping to create again the...
Indeed!!! Swiping left and right gave me two more function with left being the delete one. Need to say that the problem may was the trantition to the new version....
I hear music from my mpd server, I think it outputs as httpd by vorbis encoder. I would like to see song title and artist, as I do if I...
Moving out of Google play, motivates developers to create altenative to it services. If I have alternative services to chose from, I feel, it is a good thing for me....