
Results 11 comments of jieran233

I'm using `archlinux-2022.07.01-x86_64.iso` that download via tuna mirror, and checksum passed. And my Windows Version is `10.0.22621`


> 妈的,政府是政府,关人民什么事,你这个傻逼东西 有一说一确实

> 后记 由于不可抗力因素 chuyu.me 网站的备案掉了,因此无法访问。 由于不可抗力因素 Dism++ D 群被封,于是创建了 Dism++ E 群,群号为 361689191 如果不希望在 QQ 群内进行讨论,也可以加入 Telegram 频道了解相关信息,链接为 https://t.me/dismplus

![](https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/10/v5rPAUeQ73zkLwC.png) Windows 11 Build 22621 (22H2 RTM) 希望尽快解决,开发者加油 更新:同样的系统版本,即使任务栏图标居左也是如此

> @radiorz @jieran233 , bro, download the files from https://github.com/zhongyang219/TrafficMonitor/pull/1106 and try it. it'll fix your problem. Google translate -> 兄弟,从 https://github.com/zhongyang219/TrafficMonitor/pull/1106 下载文件试试看。它会解决你的问题。 @Badass-Nemesis 虽然在我看到你的回复前我已经通过同样的方式解决了,但依然感谢你的回复~ Although I had solved the...

Has anyone tried 536.99?

Same question. The steps to reproduce my problem are as follows: 1. Go to img2img-->inpaint, upload image and draw mask 2. Go to PNG info, upload image and click send...