Results 26 issues of Jie Huang

Hi, i converted the UKB chr22 BGEN file to VCF format using PLINK2. I first used PLINK to run association analysis on these two input files to make sure that...

Hi, Can i use something like "--pheno MY-PHENO-FILE --pheno-name pheno1,pheno2,pheno3" to test multiple phenotypes? I could do that in PLINK with the same "--pheno-name" option. Best regards, Jie


Hi, I use RVTESTS latest version to read the UK biobank BGEN file, a command like this: rvtest --inBgen ukb_imp_chr1_v2.bgen --inBgenSample ukb_imp.sample --pheno bmi.pheno.ped --pheno-name bmi --out chr1.rvtest --single score....

Hi, I just noticed that there are still negative AF value generated by RVTESTS, when my phenotype is a binary trait. Can you please look into this? Best regards, Jie

Hi, Xiaowei: When i use "bsub -o my.LOG -e my.ERR" to run RVTESTS, i found that the log message goes to the my.ERR file instead of the my.LOG file. Usually,...

Dear Xiaowei: When I use the latest version of rvtest and the BGEN input file, why the log says "Loaded [ 0 ] samples from VCF files"? There is NO...

Hi, RVTESTS allow "--covar-name cov1,cov2,cov3", but I found that I could not use "--pheno-name trait1,trait2,trait3". It gave me an ERROR : cannot locate phenotype header [trait1,trait2,trai3]. I did see the...

Please see my comment on #25, it took 43356 seconds to run a regression on 93 SNPs when I used --siteFile. But when i use bcftools first to extract those...


Hi, Xiaowei: I got the following error for an imputed chunk. I was able to use "bcftools -l" to extract the sample ID columns without any problem. So, exactly what...


Hi, guys: Thank you very much again for your detailed explanation to my previous question on issue #365. Here is my follow-up: 1. I think the “total number of mutations...
