The results is very large , so the download speed is slow. Do you have the results which is txt file format,like the KITTI label ?
Sorry, I have not made myself clear. I need the 3D detection results on KITTI val split.
Thank you very much for your help.
Thank you very much. We want to ask you a question which is not about EPro-PnP. For a feature pixel, we know its probability distribution of depth. The depth search...
Thank you for your answer. y* = argmax p(y|X), which is equivalent to solving the optimization problem in Eq. (1). Are these two optimization function is equivalent? Please excuse my...
I probably understand the process. EPro-PnP is a differentiable loss function to supervise the correspondences X. During inference, the learned X is used to obtain the y*, and EPro-PnP is...