Jia Yue Hua

Results 21 issues of Jia Yue Hua

**Please check the FAQ documentation before raising an issue** **Describe the bug (__required__)** https://discuss.nebula-graph.com.cn/t/topic/8993 **Your Environments (__required__)** * OS: `ubuntu` * Compiler: `gcc 9.3` * CPU: `11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM)...


**Please check the FAQ documentation before raising an issue** **Describe the bug (__required__)** https://discuss.nebula-graph.com.cn/t/topic/9025 CREATE EDGE INDEX g_g_links_source_index on g_g_links(f_data_source(30)); REBUILD EDGE INDEX g_g_links_source_index; MATCH ()-[e:g_g_links{f_data_source:"GTRD"}]->() RETURN e limit 3(很慢)...


**please complete the following information:** - OS version: [Win 11] - Editor version [0.1.28]: - Programming language: [c++] - TabNine extension version: **If the issue is related to TabNine failure,...

**Describe the pull request** - #### What does your PR fix? Fixes #... folly's some targets dependency is not right. - #### Which triplets are supported/not supported? Have you updated...


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otherwise many funciton like negate that use this macro report error.

basic on stephen dewhurst work. https://www.stevedewhurst.com/once_weakly.html 15 February 2017: Template Trees for Modern C++ Interfaces https://www.stevedewhurst.com/once_weakly/once-weakly20170215/once-weakly20170215.pdf CppCon 2017: Stephen Dewhurst “Modern C++ Interfaces..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFdWqa68LmA

比如对于mysql初始化连接使用dao_t::init 这个连接是单例,建议改成对象初始化方式,这样对于dao_t 可以有多个连接实例,同时去掉了全局状态,现在代码中初始化了后dao_t 类型可在任意地方创建实例引用全局状态,代码有点高耦合。

https://godbolt.org/z/EhsWsMvEK ports/scnlib/fix-SCN_HAS_STD_REGEX_MULTILINE-marco.patch is needed otherwise this port can't build successfully use gcc11.3, so add it back.